Agentes ancestrales: situación socio-económica y socio-laboral Cuenca – Ecuador
Mendoza Sigüenza, Ana Lucía
In the present research called «Ancestral agents: balance, healing and life», the
current situation in which the ancestral medical agents work in the canton of Cuenca is
analyzed, with an emphasis on socio-economic and socio-labor factors, and their
relationship with the Popular Economy and Solidarity The population studied were 105
ancestral agents belonging to urban and rural parishes of the canton of Cuenca, which
are registered with the Ministry of Health. For its analysis, descriptive and inferential
statistics were used. The results showed that medical practices are not influenced by
socio-labor and socio-economic factors, individual characteristics such as age, sex,
education, which are determinants for the performance of ancestral medical practices.
These results confirm that the ancestral practices are carried out beyond the economic
return, that its ultimate goal is to contribute to the healing of people, as a solidarity act,
this is where ancestral practices and the popular and solidary economy converge, both
seek to improve the conditions of people and contribute to the care of life.