La enseñanza del lenguaje musical a través de juguetes didácticos musicales en niños de 5 y 6 años
Quinde Rumipulla, Víctor Alejandro
This work is an alternative proposal musical edutainment for children 5 and 6 years as a counterpart of routine learning through play as a basic activity in early childhood and is also a support and facilitator of the learning process.
The lack of alternative educational proposals, also in music education, the use and abuse of classical pedagogy without suitable results, it requires special interest when creating new educational projects.
This research covers theoretical and practical concepts underlying the application of the instrument playing here raised: Musical educational toys. Special attention to the implementation of playful teaching is given to teach musical language in this age group whose characteristics of development are closely linked to the game.
During the lift of the game as a teaching-learning develops and proposes, traditional games and toys applied adapted for this purpose, they have their respective class sessions for the teacher to notice what to teach and how to use them.
Criteria for teachers working with traditional music teaching methods and contrasting the two proposals and the educator leaving judgment to choose the methods and practices that approximate the child to the world of music are presented.
Finally, after application deficiencies were noted in the current education system, both in infrastructure and in the structure of the curriculum, conditions that do not allow the child to unfold freely through the game as a learning tool.