Prevalencia del pityrosporum ovale y factores asociados en pacientes que acuden al servicio de consulta externa de dermatología del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso, cuenca, enero-agosto de 2014
Amaya Ortega, Adriana Sofía
Baculima Zeas, José Alfredo
Seborrheic dermatitis is a silent disease, which is not considered a public health problem, affecting all ages, both sexes, and is linked to psychosocial factors, and organic which increase the possibility of disease and fungal infections.
One of the causes linked with seborrheic dermatitis is infection with Pityrosporum ovale, which is why we seek to determine the prevalence of the fungus.
To develop this research sectional study to measure the prevalence and associated factors in patients who were treated during the months of January to June 2014 was planned.
The sampling will be flaky skin and hair, is done by scraping scales are collected in a sterile Petri dish. Place a material taken on a slide, add a drop of KOH and cover.
Overall objective to determine the prevalence of the fungus Pityrosporum Ovale and associated factors in patients with seborrheic dermatitis.
The overall prevalence of infection Pitirosporum ovale in patients with seborrheic dermatitis is 23.0%. This is higher in men, where it reaches 27.8% in those with manual occupations with 33.3%, with risk drinking with 62.5%, with marital status married, widowed, divorced and cohabitation with 24.4%, and have intake hipergrasos-dense foods with 39.0%, giving an image of the non-negligible presence of P. ovale in these patients and associated factors that contribute to treatment better.