Prevalencia de deficiencias y discapacidades del sistema neuro-musculo-esquelético en la parroquia Huayna Cápac de la ciudad de Cuenca en el año 2003
Montes Roldán, Juan Miguel
Morocho Escandón, Paulo Cesar
Pesantes Castillo, Rosa María
It is a descriptive study of the frequency and distribution of the epidemiological characteristics of the subject matter, in this case the prevalence of deficiencies and discapcidades the neuromusculoskeletal system. The universe of study is the population of Huayna Capac parish of the city of Cuenca, for a total of 15,222 people. The sample was 180 families representing 806 inhabitants of which 8 people were found with functional, structural or neuromusculoskeletal system deficiencies disability, which is equal to the sample 1of