El discurso ideológico de los textos escolares: análisis del libro Educación para la Ciudadanía de 2° de BGU, del sistema escolar y público
Sánchez Pulla, Vanessa Gabriela
Under the premise that schools are spaces for forming, instructing, and socializing the cultural senses, it is introduced within the Ecuadorian classrooms a model of citizenship that reveals in which way, the educational institutions, are able to participate in the consolidation process of social order. The present work studies the discursive forms used to represent the citizens in the Education for the citizenship* text of the Ecuadorian public education system. The approach of the social and discursive participants, through the Critical Discourse Analysis, allows the evidence of the leadership of the institutionalized participants, and the concealment and passivation of the social actors that perform on the sideline of the State; as the power relationship and domain of the cultural, social, and political models representations