El buen vivir de los inmigrantes peruanos en la zona Monjashuayco
Estrella Duran, Joaquín Antonio
In this research called "The Good Living of Peruvian immigrants in the Monjashuayco zone", it was determined the living conditions and human development of Peruvian immigrants living in the area Monjashuayco, within the framework of the Constitution of the Republic and the National Plan for Good Living, as well as it was established the role that the Ecuadorian government should play in protecting the rights of these citizens in order to raise their quality of life and to achieve the Good Living. To conduct the research, survey instruments and interviews were applied to the Peruvian community in Monjashuayco, Paute, in the province of Azuay. The results of the investigation determined that although there is an improvement in living conditions, work, and leisure in Monjashuayco, Peruvian citizens still have problems related to their regularization and issues concerning their way of life.