El trabajo colaborativo como estrategia para fortalecer la solidaridad y autonomía de los estudiantes
Apolo Peñaloza, Enma Yarixa
Hidalgo Ochoa, Andrea Nataly
This research paper has as its goal to stick out the importance of collaborative work as an alternative to develop solidarity and autonomy of the students. The methodology used for the design of the intervention project is the logical framework (See Appendix 1), the same as was done until the design stage, according to guidelines of the Junta Académica de la Carrera. In this paper it is offered to the teachers and students a theoretical framework based on a bibliographical research, collected in summary records, having Vygotsky along with his theory of socio-cultural constructivism, and Johnson & Johnson who have researched deeper about this strategy. So too, it is presented a methodological guide which contains strategies and steps to develop collaborative work, the same was validated by a group of teachers of the UnidadEducativa “Federico Proaño”, who with their suggestions and experiences contributed to improving the document.