La neuropsicología en el análisis de los problemas de aprendizaje: evaluación y recuperación en aulas de apoyo psicopedagógico de Cuenca
Bermeo Alvarez, Irma de Lourdes
This work is a theoretical review of Neuropsychology, which studies the brain – behavior relationship and learning neuropsychology which studies mental processes: perception, attention, language, thinking, reasoning, taking decisions, etc. They start functioning to get the object of knowledge and its relationship with cortical functions that produce them. The findings of neuropsychological diagnostic as signs with child’s symptoms and the family and scholar history will help the clear and complete analysis of learning difficulties that will derive in the proper rehabilitation treatment.
In these days, this topic is used for countless investigations, establishing how each child perceives and processes information, which means learning. The topic of this investigation: “Neuropsychology in the Analysis of Learning Problems: Evaluation and Recuperation in Psicho-pedagogical Supporting Classrooms in Cuenca” focus an objective: “To analyze the main cognitive functions related to learning problems evaluated and recovered in male and female children referred to Psicho-pedagogical Supporting Classrooms in Cuenca”.