Construcción del tejido social por parte de la fundación Haciendo Panas en la ciudad de Cuenca, durante el periodo 2021
Acurio Vintimilla, Juan David
Parra Rivadeneira, Kevin Paul
There is information on the conditions faced by people who migrate to other countries and
who must build a new social structure that allows them to improve their quality of life in the
country of destination. Faced with this situation, the Venezuelan diaspora in the city of Cuenca
has created organizations and foundations that generate a social fabric for the migrant population.
However, there is a gap in knowledge about how organizations have managed to build social
structure and what are the motivations to create an organization to help people in a human mobility
situation. Consequently, the general objective of the research was to understand how the
‘Fundación Haciendo Panas’ promotes the generation of social fabric in the city of Cuenca for
Venezuelan migrants in 2021. The type of study of the research was exploratory and had a
qualitative approach to explore the problem from the perspectives and experiences of the board
members and users of ‘Fundación Haciendo Panas’. The main method used was life story. The life
story was built through interviews that allowed to gather as much information as possible, from
the perspective of the members of the board and the beneficiaries of the projects. The results
obtained reflected that the ‘Fundación Haciendo Panas’ promotes the construction of a social web
through the creation of projects.