Análisis comparativo de la Sonata para piano Op 57 N 23 “Appassionata” de Ludwig van Beethoven tomando como recursos el manuscrito original y las ediciones de: Schenker, Casella y Schnabel para generar una propuesta interpretativa.
Rodríguez Sinchi, Esperanza del Pilar
In the present work a comparative analysis of the Sonata Op 57 N 23 "Appassionata" by Ludwig van Beethoven will be made using the original manuscript of the work and three editions belonging to Heinrich Schenker, Alfredo Casella and Artur Schnabel, in order to make a editorial comparative study of various aspects such as tempo, agógica, articulation, dynamics, and use of the pedal; and make an interpretative proposal where the aspects that best suit the interpretation of the period, historical context and own pianistic technique are presented