Diseño tipográfico de letras capitulares, basado en balcones del siglo XIX de Cuenca
Espinoza Toral, José Luis
This thesis development is based on the creation of a
capital typographical family, inspired on Cuenca´s
balconies. This project will, for sure, be a pattern for
future capital typographical designs. For this project I
have taken as a model one of the many balconies of our city.
From this capital typographical designs I have created rubber signets
for each one of the alphabet letters that are used at the beginning
of the manuscripts; this optimizes the time that takes to draw
each capital letter, keeping esthetics and consistency. This letters
can be painted in different colors depending of the manuscript´s
I have attached to this thesis a manuscript, made in parchment,
about the creation of the University Shield, which shows the usage
of the signets created.
Key words: Design, Graphic, Typography, Letters, Capital, Parchment,
Calligraphy, Cuenca, Balcony, Ornamental.