Evaluación pre y post congelación del semen obtenido con vagina artificial y electroeyaculador en el ganado criollo
Mejìa Gutièrrez, Javier Esteban
The objective of this research was to evaluate the quality and the freezing of semen obtained by Artificial Vagina (VA) and Electroeyaculator (EE) in creole biotype cattle. The seminal material was collected from three biotype creole bulls, using VA model IMV (VA T1 = 30) and Portable electronic Electroeyaculador brand Precision Electronics®, which after performing the rectal massage to facilitate the excitation of the animal, the device was introduced which presents a cycle which goes from 0 MA leaving between pauses of 2 seconds of rest and gradually rising to 150 MA rising to achieve erection and subsequent ejaculation (EE T2 = 30). It was processed with AndroMed® diluent adjusting at an inseminating dose of 20 x 106 and subjected to an equilibrium time of 2 hours at 5 ° C. It was soaked in 0.25 ml straws and subjected to liquid nitrogen vapors for 10 minutes and then dropped to a temperature of -196ºC. At 30 days, it was thawed to evaluate by electronic microscopy, seminal quality Motile Mass (MM), Progressive Individual Motility (MIP), Sperm Vitality (VE), Abnormalities, HOST test and by CASA system, quality total motile (TM), progressive (MPI), local (LM) and immotile spermatozoa (IS). A completely randomized design (DCA) was used and the results were analyzed with the statistical program SPSS version 22.0, later they were subjected to analysis where the mean and standard error of the variables of sperm quality pre-freezing verified the existence of statistical differences (P< 0.05) in Concentration, MM, MIP and AT, attributing efficacy to the VA method and post-freezing sperm quality variables evidenced the existence of statistical differences (P<0.05) in CA and HOST test, in the Which demonstrates the efficacy of the VA method. With the CASA system no statistical differences (P< 0.05) were found between collection methods in any parameter. In conclusion, the use of artificial vagina as a method of collecting semen from bovine biotype creole obtained by VA presents better pre and post freeze quality parameters than the semen that is collected with electro EE.