Análisis de terceros molares y sus estructuras anatómicas adyacentes mediante CBCT: meta-análisis
Bermeo Domínguez, Jéssica Belén
Morales González, Pablo Mateo
The following meta-analysis aims to evaluate the position of mandibular third molars
and their nearby anatomical structures (lower dental canal, lower dental nerve,
lingual cortex, lower second molar). It was performed using a filter that allows the
classification and evaluation of various scientific articles, applying an advanced
search through digital databases such as Pubmed, Cochrane, Science Direct and
Wiley, the selected articles should be published between 2017-2021. In addition, we
detail the different classifications used to evaluate an impacted mandibular third
molar, which according to Winter the most prevalent position is the mesioangular
and according to Pell and Gregory there is a higher prevalence of Class 2-B; we also
detail recent classifications for impacted molars such as "Liqun Gu" and "Ogüz
Boraham". These findings illustrate the importance of locating structures close to the
mandibular third molar, knowing different classifications to determine the position of
an impacted third molar and the advantage of CBCT in surgical planning, thus
avoiding possible iatrogenesis in clinical practice.