Propuesta innovadora para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la suma y resta en segundo año de Educación General Básica con el uso de material concreto
Tacuri Pulla, Maritza Eulalia
The objective of the present innovation proposal is to improve the teaching-learning process of the addition and subtraction without regrouping, through the use of concrete material, in the children of the second year of general basic education of a school of the canton of Cuenca called "Renacer", To develop the innovation proposal, a diagnosis was made to the second year of Basic General Education, through a diagnostic test applied to children and an interview with the classroom teacher. The results of the diagnosis showed that most of the children had difficulties in learning addition and subtraction without regrouping. The most frequent difficulties were related to: the lack of mental calculation strategies, little reasoning in the resolution of problems, inconveniences to add and subtract operations raised horizontally or numerically and graphically. With the results of the diagnostic test, in addition to a theoretical support based on constructivism; an innovative proposal is proposed through the use of concrete material to improve the level of performance in children when learning the addition and subtraction without regrouping. The proposal includes different motivating and dynamic activities that conclude with a process of evaluation and reflection. This proposal was finally socialized in the School “Renacer”