Propuesta de campamentación turística para estudiantes: hacienda y estancia San Isidro, Parroquia Tarqui, Cantón Cuenca
Núñez Vázquez, Paola Cristina
Vinces García, Oscar Enmanuel
The development of this paper, whose main objective is to create a tourist camping proposal for Hacienda y Estancia San Isidro, because there is no establishment led to the development of this activity today in the city of Cuenca.
To achieve the stated objective, it is essential to know the infrastructure and attractions that owns the hacienda, human talent is detailed, tangible and intangible resources necessary for the tourist camping. The market is also segmented in order to personalize the service, children of 9-11 years of age, possess the physical and psychological conditions for the development of camping activities, as a result, a program of tourist activities is developed to the chosen market segment.
Finally, to validate the proposed tourist campsite, a pilot camp with children 9-11 years of age is performed and stay at Hacienda San Isidro. In the project facilities camping activities, which were previously scheduled run. Subsequently the proposal through satisfaction surveys assessing services provided, and these results are key to the continuity of the project.