Características del resfriado común en niños/as que asisten al Centro de Desarrollo Infantil del Buen Vivir Huayna Capac, Cuenca 2015
Loyos Fernández, Geovanna Elizabeth
Naranjo Castro, Paola Estefania
Background: attendance to child development centers is considered a discrete. It is important to know the characteristics of the most common infection, the common cold, in the Children's Center of Good Living, to provide an overview of symptoms and signs that affect children in this situation and to optimize the management of the hygiene area in this institution.
General Objective: To determine the characteristics of the common cold in children that attends the Child Development Center of Good Living "Huayna Capac", in Cuenca, in 2015.
Methodology: this is a descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional research. The information were collected through records stored in the "Children's Center of Good Living Huayna Capac", in 2015. The data collected was entered into forms, processed and tabulated in Excel 2010, and the results were analyzed using tables and graphs, and the results were presented having fulfilled the objectives.
Results: That the most infants (32%) were children between 12 to 18 months. There isn´t a representative number of low weight or height for their age according to the growth curves of the OMS. 69% of kids between 12 and 18 months weigh 10.9kg, and 50 are between 80 and 84cm, which are normal for their age. The place where they come were urban (44%) and rural (56%). The most common symptoms were rhinorrhea and sneezing which was present in 100% of the children, and the less frequent symptoms was fever with 20%. 66% of children had four to six colds during school period. Conclusions: The children were characterized according to their weight, height, age, sex, and origin. With the results the objectives are met and concluded that the most frequent symptoms were rhinorrhea and sneezing, that most infants were between 12 and 18 month. It was also concluded that children were not underweight or under the normal height for their age and it found that all children presented between 4 and 6 colds a year on average