Eficacia de la acción de protección en relación a la Ley Orgánica de Garantías Jurisdiccionales y control constitucional
Romero Romero, Clara Daniela
Protection Action is a jurisdiction guarantee. It is an action of law and law in our Constitution, faced with violation a constitutionals law and it is regulated by Organic Law of Jurisdictions Guarantee and Constitutional Control. Our Constitution says that its object is direct and effective support of rights recognized in the Fundamental Charter. It gives a character ample, direct, universal, immediate, summary, oral and others. It is a effective action to protect Human Rights from acts or omission by public authorities no judicial or by particulars people when there is seriously damaging with all when there are estimates of 41 Art Organic Law of Jurisdictions Guarantees and Constitutional Control. However, Organic Law has many restrictions, many of them help it for a better applicability, but others change it in residue, it said Comparative Legal. For these reasons, this work looks for to give some responses to if Protection Action is or not effective and if observed the values, principles and constitutionals law that they are in the Constitution, from a legal perspective.