Evaluación al ciclo presupuestario del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado del cantón Gualaquiza, periodo 2015
Sanmartín Barros, Heydi Gabriela
Toral Sánchez, Diana Carolina
Proposed theme: budget cycle evaluation of the Decentralized Autonomous Government (GAD) of Gualaquiza; period 2015 it is developed with the objective to obtain Information about the budget execution process of the GAD of Gualaquiza, therefore, if any mistake is found, it could be corrected.
Besides, it seeks to analyses the possible limitations and failures that the administration does not evidence by chance. It is why it is necessary to execute an external research, which could determine whichever erroneous situation.
Gualaquiza’s GAD had not experienced an evaluation of this kind. It is the reason why this research pretends to be a tool which could provide the GAD an external and impartial vision of itself; in order to help it to achieve in a correct way its lives of efficiency and to recover information of the investment transparency and of the expenses made. It is pretended to provide strategies and recommendations to improve the budget management.