Determinación de compuestos fenólicos en extractos y fracciones de Macleania rupestris Kunth, y su caracterización por espectroscopia infrarroja
Pacho Montaleza, Hirma Beatriz
Valverde Loja, Johanna Alexandra
Macleania rupestris Kunth is a native species to Ecuador that also serves as food has medicinal potentials. However, there are few studies related to the nutraceutical potential of this plant. The objective of this study was to determine the presence of phenolic compounds in the extracts and fractions of Macleania rupestris Kunth (joyapa) and characterize them by Infrared Spectroscopy, in order to characterize the type of phenolic compounds present in its fruit. For this purpose, extracts and fractions obtained by maceration methods and Soxhlet and divided by gravity and under pressure columns were analyzed. UV-visible spectroscopy determined the concentration of total phenols by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, flavonoids by the colorimeter method using hexa-hydrated Aluminium Chloride and anthocyanins by the differential pH method. The Infrared spectrum analysis allowed the identification of functional groups present in fractions of different polarity corresponding to hydroxyl, aromatic and ester groups. These functional groups are part of the polyphenolic compounds metabolized by plants.
Quantification assays of total phenols, flavonoids and anthocyanins in fractions and extracts determined significant concentrations of phenolic metabolites. Therefore, it is possible to reveal the presence of these compounds with the antioxidant activity demonstrated in "in vitro" assays. The results obtained demonstrate the potential of Macleania rupestris as a nutraceutical fruit, given the benefits of consuming foods rich in antioxidants.