Guía de experimentos de óptica con uso de recursos audiovisuales
Tituana Salinas, Freddy Geovanny
Vera Moscoso, Carlos Fernando
This thesis has been realised with the purpose to offer physics teacher an additional material which makes it possible to examine this science from another perspective. Therefore, the above-mentioned “Guide of optical experiments with the use of audio-visual means” poses didactic material for the teacher which makes it possible to con-nect the theory of physics with the practice of nature so that the classes get more dy-namic and interesting for the pupils.
To make it easier to understand the suggested guide and above all how to use it, this thesis has been divided into three chapters, in which are examined the theoretical ba-sics, the statistical research and finally the guide of the optical experiments.
The “Guide of optical experiments with the use of audio-visual means” is presented in the chapter number three, consisting of three parts: First, eleven videos of optical ex-periments, which examine the contents of the physics curriculum of the fifth teaching unit of the third year of the BGU; second, a detailed manual of the experiments which are realised in the videos, to make it easier for the teacher to understand those; and fi-nally the curriculum itself, where the adequate moments to show every video to the pu-pils is marked.
To put it in a nutshell, the “Guide of optical experiments with the use of audio-visual means” is meant to be a support for physics teacher to combine theoretical and practi-cal elements of physics to generate a more efficient and intense way of teaching.