Estudio cualitativo del bienestar subjetivo en hombres homosexuales casados con mujeres. Cuenca, 2021
Macas Sarmiento, Henry Xavier
Subjective well-being emerged in the 70s, as a complementary aspect to the quality
of life, given the constant criticism of the purely economic aspects used in its measurement.
From there, many studies emerge that seek to discover the variables that have the greatest
influence on this concept, with the intention of increasing it.
In the present study we have explored the level of subjective well-being of a group of
men married to women, through subjective indicators. To achieve this objective, semistructured interviews and a single happiness item have been applied, all based on the Lima
Happiness Scale (Alarcón, 2006) and the Life Satisfaction Scale (Diener & Emmons, 1985).
The results show that our study group presents a medium level of subjective wellbeing, this probably due to the cognitive and emotional weight that involves coping with a
marriage with a woman being homosexual. On the other hand, children have been an
incentive that has helped to alleviate this burden and maintain a long-term marriage