Comportamiento alimentario y actividad física en niños de 3-4 años del municipio.
Espinoza Coello, Pamela Monserrath
Velásquez Ortíz, María del Carmen
Background: The preschool stage is the starting point in the creation of habits that will be present in the future, so we must observe the places where the behavior of children develops.
General Aim: Observe the eating behavior and physical activity in 3-4 year old children of the Municipal Child Development Centers of the city of Cuenca (CDIs).
Methodology: A mixed study was carried out, the qualitative inductive part was developed through non-participatory observations to preschoolers and their educators, analyzing their eating behavior and physical activity. 9 interviews were carried out with the kitchen staff of the CDIs to explore the practices that influence the eating behavior and quality of the menu. The descriptive quantitative study was carried out using a validated dietary quality questionnaire.
Results: It was observed that children at the table behave according to the interaction of educators who use strategies to consume the preparations. It was observed that preschoolers do not comply with the recommendation of physical activity and have a prolonged sleep time after lunch. In the interviews, it was found that each CDI carries their organization, and they modify the menu according to several reasons, some of which provide benefits and other disadvantages. The quality of the menus according to the COMES questionnaire was acceptable to improvable.
Conclutions: Preschoolers consume three meal times in the CDIs. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to the factors that influence the eating behavior and physical activity.