Educación intercultural bilingüe para el buen vivir en la comunidad kichwa hablante de Quilloac en Cañar- Ecuador
Campoverde Gutama, Jennyfer Paola
Merchán Valladares, Andrea Michelle
The current research, which has a qualitative approach, deals with the influence of
Intercultural Bilingual Education (EIB by its Spanish acronym) and sumak kawsay in the
Quilloac community, which belongs to the province of Cañar. In this sense, the purpose of
this research was to provide a bibliographic study with an analysis of the sumak kawsay and
EIB categories around the principles, contributions and influence towards Quilloac's society.
Having stated this, the objective of this research was to analyze the main contributions of
Intercultural Bilingual Education to the Sumak kawsay paradigm in the Kichwa-speaking
community of Quilloac-Cañar, Ecuador. For this, a qualitative documentary analysis of data
was used and studies regarding to all existing information related to the three main categories:
sumak kawsay, EIB and the community of Quilloac. The first chapter sets out the principles
of good living and the principles of Quilloac community, on which its philosophy is based;
as well as the contributions that the first category provides to the third one. The second
chapter focuses on the intercultural bilingual education support to the application of the
sumak kawsay paradigm in the Quilloac community, based on the thought trajectory of the
EIB and sumak kawsay independently. Finally, the last chapter expresses the contribution of
the authors and their arguments based on studies, in order to conclude on the contributions
made by the EIB from Quilloac to sumak kawsay, taking as a reference the indigenous
ancestral thought. This project has managed to capture the main objectives of an inclusive,
contextualized and quality Ecuadorian educational system for the benefit of the Quilloac
community in Cañar