La importancia de la ética en la formación inicial de los docentes de Educación Básica
Urgilés Jácome, Dayra Vanessa
Fernández Méndez, Mónica Gabriela
This monograph is located in the field of education regarding initial teacher training and
aims to bibliographically determine the importance of ethics in the initial training of Basic
Education teachers. For this, we proceeded to review, characterize and analyze different
bibliographic sources, both physical and virtual, which allowed a better understanding and
distribution of the content. In the first place, an investigation was carried out regarding the
conceptualization and theoretical principles of ethics and its relationship with the teaching
profession. Second, it investigated initial teacher training, its historical background, its concept
and implications both nationally and internationally. Third, we proceeded to determine the
relationship of these two categories, that is, all ethical aspects such as principles, concepts and
ethical competencies that must be taken into account in initial teacher training plans.
Finally, it was concluded that ethics is a relevant factor for initial teacher training, since its
contributions allow future teachers to acquire ethical attitudes and competencies, this enables them
to be prepared for the different areas that are presented to them, such as having the capacity to
reflect from the reality of the students through more humane approaches within the educational
process. However, in reality, ethics is not studied in depth in initial teacher training plans, which
affects the integral training process of future teachers by disconnecting theory from practice itself
from ethics.