Elaboración de panel prefabricado con residuos cerámicos
Pichazaca Solano, Manuel Vinicio
Saldaña Peralta, Paúl Guillermo
Themanufacturingceramicproductsprocess, generates a high and worringenvironmentalimpactcausedbytheEcologicalFootprint and CarbonFootprint, primarily (CO2 ). Thispaperisbased of thatconsideration and intendson, somehow, helpto reduce theproblem.
Recycling and reusability of theceramicswastes, generated in buildings and factories, are one of thewaystoextendthelifecycle of thesematerials, helping in thiswayto reduce theextraction of rawmaterials and the control of theenergyusedforthatproduction.
In thecity of Cuenca existsaround 601 brickfabrics, whichhaveanannualloss of production of 5461 tons, generating 2113 tons of CO2, thosewhich are used as fillerordeposited in dumps, withoutgiving a new use tothis material through new recoveryprocesses.
Themainobjectiveis, endeed, to use theceramicwastesfortheproduction of a prefabricated panel 30cmx120cmx7cm. and use it in interior walls. Furthermore, in the experimental process, the use of sand as themainaggregate in mortars has beenreduced, replacingitby a natural material: rice hulls. Alldosages are madeonthebasis of thecementweight, rangingfrom 400 kg/m3 of mortar, 200kg/m3 of mortar, reachingresistance of 60kg/cm2.