Satisfacción de la atención médica en el área del hospitalización del Departamento Gíneco -Obstetricia del Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga. 2014
Castro Reyes, Evelyn Elizabeth
Contreras Auquilla, Erick Emanuel
Objective. Determine the degree of satisfaction of patients with medical care and nursing in the hospitalization Area of the Department of Gynecology - obstetrics of the Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga.
Methodology. With a cross-sectional descriptive design was collected data of 628 patients admitted to the services of Gynecology and Obstetrics between march and may of 2014. We analyzed age, instruction, marital status, residence, diagnosis at admission, discharge and procedure performed on the two services and satisfaction of patients with medical staff and nurses (nurse and nursing assistant).
Results. The patients of Gynecology service represented the 26.11%, with an average age of 41.46 11.41 ± years and the service of Obstetrics the 73.89% with an average age of 28.62 6.12 ± years. Most frequent instruction was high school, the majority is married and residing in the urban area.
The most frequent gynecologic diagnosis at admission and discharge was the endometrial hyperplasia with the 26.1% in both cases. In Obstetric area, the pregnancy to term without complications represented more than the 50% of the diagnoses.
The hysterectomy was the gynecological procedure performed most often (25 %). Caesarean section is the most frequent obstetric procedure (45.26 %).
Conclusions. High valuations in the satisfaction of medical care in more than 65% of the surveyed patients both medical personnel and nurses (nurse and nursing assistant) can be obtained.