Evaluación de modelos hidrodinámicos para representar flujos en cauces naturales
Ochoa García, Santiago Aurelio
Reyna, Teresa
Reyna, Santiago
García, Marcelo
Patalano, Antoine
Labaque, María
Universidad de Cuenca
Dirección de Investigación de la Universidad de Cuenca
The free flow occurs when the liquid flows by gravity and only partially confined by a solid circle. In the prediction of the flow variables for different conditions is of great importance to develop hydrodynamic models and numerical simulations with adequate precision to allow proper planning of works. We have studied the use of analytical models in solving phenomena fluid mechanics, which are based on the laws of conservation of mass, momentum and energy. Depending on the degree of simplification that can be reached while maintaining the level of accuracy and verify what good behavior modeled on the nature, there are one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional hydrodynamic schemes. A confluence is a complex adaptive convergence since complicated flow parameters produce fluids movement. In this paper the formulation, solution methods and methodologies for developing overall physical and mathematical models for free surface flows is presented. For this study the confluence of the La Cañada stream and Suquía River both of the City of Córdoba.