Evaluación de la política de cielos abiertos en el Ecuador en el período 2016 – 2019 como impulso a la actividad aeronáutica comercial del país
2021-03-15Registro en:
Orozco Álvarez, Pablo Andrés. (2021). Evaluación de la política de cielos abiertos en el Ecuador en el período 2016 – 2019 como impulso a la actividad aeronáutica comercial del país. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Orozco Álvarez, Pablo Andrés
The main objective of this degree work was to evaluate the open skies policy that was signed in 2017 by President Lenin Moreno and how it was developed throughout the period 2016 - 2019. A semi structured interview was conducted with people specialized in aviation law and airfares, to learn about the scope of application of the treaty and how it influences airfares. For the collection of statistical information, the Air Transport area of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation of Ecuador was contacted, where all the data corresponding to air operations carried out from 2016 to 2019 were obtained, as well as the number of airlines that operated in that period. These data were organized in tables and analyzed with graphs that allowed us to understand the behavior of Ecuador's aviation activity to be able to propose strategies that will help to take advantage of the treaty's full potential. A SWOT analysis was conducted to gain an in-depth understanding of the current situation of the Ecuadorian air market, and with the application of a PESTEL matrix, we were able to establish strategies focused directly on improving Ecuador's level of connectivity with the world, reducing the cost of airline tickets, developing inbound tourism and strengthening the operational safety of Ecuadorian air transportation. Finally, it was concluded that, although the treaty has had a positive impact on air transport in Ecuador, it has not had the expected results in recent years due to the lack of a significant number of airlines interested in exploiting Ecuador's air market.