Diseño de un plan estratégico del Hospital Andino Alternativo de Chimborazo, en la ciudad de Riobamba, período 2019-2023
2020-06-04Registro en:
Guamán Guamán, Edgar Moisés. (2020). Diseño de un plan estratégico del Hospital Andino Alternativo de Chimborazo, en la ciudad de Riobamba, período 2019-2023. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Guamán Guamán, Edgar Moisés
The present research called design of a strategic plan for the Hospital Andino Alternativo de
Chimborazo, located in the city of Riobamba, period 2019-2023, was carried out in order to
strengthen the management, administrative and operational processes, which will promote short
and long term results. The methods used for this research were direct observation, interview
directed to the manager, surveys directed to patients and administrative staff, the qualitative
methodology allowed to describe the facts of the problem that the institution is going through.
The organizational and administrative structure was developed through an internal analysis and a
SWOT matrix where the lack of empowerment of the business philosophy by the collaborators,
empirical decision making, lack of a manual and training plans for the staff according to the
functions they perform were identified. For the development of the proposal a strategic planning
was executed according to the needs of the hospital; from which the business philosophy was
made, the strategies that help to provide a better health service were proposed. It is recommended
to the high management to implement the present investigation where articulation strategies are
implemented to optimize the emergency services and thus to homologate all the processes in an
integral way, contributing to generate a greater corporate value, commitment and satisfaction to
the inpatients and outpatients. In addition to being a reference for other types of institutions in
any field, making the appropriate adjustments, in order to promote a commitment to achieve better
results in meeting institutional objectives.