Plan de negocios para mejorar la gestión productiva y comercial de la Asociación de Productores Agrícola Santa Elvira, provincia de Esmeraldas, cantón Quininde, parroquia Rosa Zarate, periodo 2017
2018-01-11Registro en:
Muñoz Orellana, Eduardo Luis. (2018). Plan de negocios para mejorar la gestión productiva y comercial de la Asociación de Productores Agrícola Santa Elvira, provincia de Esmeraldas, cantón Quininde, parroquia Rosa Zarate, periodo 2017. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Muñoz Orellana, Eduardo Luis
A business plan for Agriculture Producer Association “Santa Elvira”, an organization for popular and solidarity economy, located in Quinindé canton has been developed to improve the socio and economic conditions of the partners. Environment and competence analysis, market study and financial study were carried out. Cocoa tree and palm oil were identified as two potential funding for the production inside the association. Cocoa tree was ranked by its international and local consumption, price per each ton and quintal of dry almond and the cost structure. By analyzing the productive conditions of cocoa, it was determined that its productive stage starts at the end of the third year with a 14-quintal production per hectare. If the partners grow an 80ha average, they can get a 1120-quintal production but they will have to implement a crop collection center for the association, so that the post-harvest processing can be carried out with control and quality. This own resources center does not generate financial impact, that is why we must manage to get infrastructure, equipment, machinery valued in $52,862. We pretend to get a Net Added Value of $5,546, Internal Rate of Return of 18% and a Cost-Benefit of 1.12. It is concluded that this association has links with the politics, therefore they can apply the strategic planning suggested in this investigation and monitor it.