Propuesta de señalización vial horizontal y vertical para el cantón San Pedro de Pelileo provincia de Tungurahua
2021-05-19Registro en:
Aldaz Solis, Víctor Hugo. (2021). Propuesta de señalización vial horizontal y vertical para el cantón San Pedro de Pelileo provincia de Tungurahua. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Aldaz Solis, Víctor Hugo
The present study is aimed at developing a horizontal and vertical road signaling proposal in San Pedro de Pelileo, province of Tungurahua, in order to improve the mobility of people in safe, organized and reliable way, in vehicles of all existing transportation modalities. The study begins with the analysis of the study current situation of the horizontal and vertical signaling through information gathering, field study carried out with a total of 381 surveys from a population of 65,687 people who live in San Pedro de Pelileo, 17,9% corresponds to the urban área and 82.1% located in rural áreas. Due to it was a quantitative and qualitative study, the gathering of information was carried out through observation sheets, the determination of the tread layer to verify the conditions of the road signs and especially the type of road. As a result, it was noticed that there are 724 vertical signals of which are regulatory, preventive and informative and is also made up of 571 horizontal signs in every parish of the canton, which are in good, bad and non-existent in some specific streets. It is concluted that a total of 1237 vertical signals and 79659.2 meters of horizontal signaling are needed, along with stop lines, parking lots and directional arrows. The authorities of the Municipal GAD of Pelileo and Empresa Publica Mancomunada de Transito de Tungurahua are recommended to implement horizontal and vertical signaling by taking into account this technical study and the INEN 004-1 and 004-2 regulations.