Remoción electroquímica de arsénico en aguas residuales de procesos de plantas metalúrgicas en el Cantón Camilo Ponce Enríquez.
2022-01-17Registro en:
Fernández Vélez, Cristina Vanessa. (2022). Remoción electroquímica de arsénico en aguas residuales de procesos de plantas metalúrgicas en el Cantón Camilo Ponce Enríquez. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Fernández Vélez, Cristina Vanessa
The objective of this research consisted of removing, by applying an electrochemical
method, the arsenic that exists in wastewater from metallurgical plants found in the
Camilo Ponce Enriquez canton. The mining industry dates back to 16th century and
today it is an important economic activity for the country, however, over the years, the
environment has been negatively affected, mainly water, due to the wastewater
generated from hydrometallurgical processes, these contain excess of lead, cadmium,
arsenic among others. The residual water samples were obtained from the tailings
facility of the FranRomec benefit, the same one that has an initial arsenic concentration
of 0.70 ppm, is used the T-NEC equipment, by electrochemistry means it was
determined the kinetics of removal depending on the pH; 3 repetitions were carried out
varying the pH at levels of 2, 4 and 8, it was determined the arsenic concentration every
30 minutes for 2.5 hours; the water samples previously removed of arsenic were
measured using the absorption spectroscopy technique atomic. Through analysis it was
possible to obtain arsenic removal percentages, having that at a pH 4 it was obtained a
better removal percentage of 91.90% compared to pH 2 and 8, which had less than 85%
the removal percentage, having that the treated water with a final concentration of As
of 0.06 ppm according to the provisions of the Ecuadorian standard a pH of 4, while at
a pH of 2 and 8 the final concentration is 0.12 ppm. In conclusion, the optimum pH to
remove arsenic in wastewater is at a pH 4, since it produced a higher percentage of
removal and reached the limits maximum allowable of arsenic in wastewater.