Evaluación de la adaptación y comportamiento productivo de ciento cuarenta y cuatro líneas de cebada maltera (Hordeum vulgare L.) en la estación experimental Tunshi.
2022-05-17Registro en:
Amaguaya Guilca, Fátima Liliana. (2022). Evaluación de la adaptación y comportamiento productivo de ciento cuarenta y cuatro líneas de cebada maltera (Hordeum vulgare L.) en la estación experimental Tunshi. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Amaguaya Guilca, Fátima Liliana
The objective of this research was to evaluate the productive behavior and adaptation of one hundred and forty-four malting barley lines (Hordeum vulgare L.) at the Tunshi Experimental Station. In the methodological route, a lattice square was designed (Lattice square), where in this case, the number of treatments is a perfect square, the size of each block is equal to the square root of this number and the number of repetitions is always one more unit concerning the number of units per block and turn, the LSD 10% test was applied to the results with the significant response, analyzed in the SAS 9.0 software. The Lattice Design was used with one hundred and forty-four treatments, with a net trial area of four thousand three hundred and twenty m2. Parameters such as days to emergence, days to heading, days to flowering, number of established plants, number of established tillers, number of established ears, plant height, rust severity and incidence, and yield were evaluated. The results of lines 2IK16-083 and 2IK16-0751 highlighted resistance to foliar diseases in the yield variable, lines 2IK16-0860, 2IK16-0822, 2IK16-1184, 2IK16-0671, 2IK16-0665, 2IK16-1324, 2IK16-0710 presented yields higher than 3000 kg/ha with commercial humidity at 12% under agroclimatic conditions. Concluding to the materials 2IK16-0822, 2IK16-1184, 2IK16-0860, 2IK16-0710, 2IK16-0740, 2IK16-0804, 2IK16-0827, 2IK16-0828, 2IK16-0748, 2IK16-0749 maintain quality attributes. It is recommended to reinforce nitrogen fertilization to determine the genetic potential of each material.