Diseño e implementación de un sistema electrónico para el monitoreo local y remoto del índice UV, destinado al cantón Guano.
2019-11-26Registro en:
Talla Jiménez, Carlos David. (2019). Diseño e implementación de un sistema electrónico para el monitoreo local y remoto del índice UV, destinado al cantón Guano. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Talla Jiménez, Carlos David
This project is aimed at designing and implementing an electronic system to monitor the UV radiation index, in Guano canton, Chimborazo province, the monitoring shows the information of the IUV simultaneously, through a display incorporated in the system and through a mobile application. The UV radiation index, is received by the TOCON E-2 sensor and processed by the NodeMCU board, this information is sent through the serial port to the Raspberry Pi 3B+, which acts as a display controller card that is composed of two matrices RGB LED 64*32, in addition the NodeMCU has built-in wireless WIFI technology that allows you to send the information to the database of the ThingSpeak platform, for further reading from the mobile application developed in the Android Studio software. The electronic circuit is powered by a switched power supply connected to a timer that allows you to control the on and off of the equipment automatically. To validate the correct functioning of the sensor, the T-student statistical test was used for related samples, the result of which indicates that there is no difference between the sensor of the implemented system and the WS-1401-IP weather station sensor. On the other hand, several field tests were carried out that affirm that the device is stable and has no loss in the data communication. It is recommended to store and analyze the UVI data in order to forecast the UV radiation index and provide citizens with an additional UVI information tool.