| Tesis
Proyecto de importación de tela jersey como materia prima para la producción de prendas de vestir de la empresa “New Blessings Corporation Textil Cia. Ltda.”, de la provincia de Chimborazo, cantón Riobamba, período 2017.
2018-01-11Registro en:
Suquilandi Guamán, Evelyn Yesenia. (2018). Proyecto de importación de tela jersey como materia prima para la producción de prendas de vestir de la empresa “New Blessings Corporation Textil Cia. Ltda.”, de la provincia de Chimborazo, cantón Riobamba, período 2017. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Suquilandi Guamán, Evelyn Yesenia
The objective of this research is to elaborate a project to import Jersey fabric as a raw material for the production of clothing of the company "New Blessing Corporation textil Cía Ltda." of Chimborazo province, canton Riobamba, period 2017. In order to improve the quality of the product line in the company, so that it allows it to generate competitiveness to the organization in the textile market. The methodology used includes research of a qualitative type that allowed to determine the problems that this entity is going through, through surveys directed to the staff of the production area, interviews with the managers also the observation within the company, obtaining as a result the ignorance of the import processes, due to the lack of methodological models to comply with the importation processes, due to the lack of methodological models that comply with the due customs formalities and implement quality raw material in its productive chain. Through the investigation, the necessary requirements for an importer are given, guidelines with respect to current legal regulations, and guidelines for executing it procedure, taking into consideration the need and reality of their environment. Therefore, it is recommended that the present proposal be applied in the company since it will allow the entity to become more powerful and contribute to the competitiveness of the organization.