Elaboración de un plan integral de gestión de riesgos laborales e implementación de señalética en la planta procesadora de quinua “Sumak Life”, ubicada en Guano, provincia de Chimborazo
2020-11-06Registration in:
Parra Pilataxi, Jessica Estefanía Tierra Vilema, Jhon Jairo. (2020). Elaboración de un plan integral de gestión de riesgos laborales e implementación de señalética en la planta procesadora de quinua “Sumak Life”, ubicada en Guano, provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Parra Pilataxi, Jessica Estefanía
Tierra Vilema, Jhon Jairo
The main objective of this research work was to develop and implement an Integral Risk Management Plan (PIGR) for the main building, hotel theater, municipal theater and tourism belonging to the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the canton Guano, in order to safeguard life, as well as the physical integrity of the people who work and visit the facilities under study, at the time of a natural or anthropic event. The PYGM has five phases which relate to risk analysis, risk reduction guidelines, emergency management, institutional recovery and validation, monitoring and evaluation, in the format of the Secretary of Zonal Risk Management 3. An average overall risk level was obtained from the institution against the threats to which it is exposed, the identification of occupational hazards was carried out with the use of the INSHT risk matrix, and the structural fire risk analysis using the MESERI method. Emergency Brigades and protocols of action were formed in the face of an adverse event, considering the before, during and after of an emergency, and the procedure for post- emergency recovery. The implementation of the signaling was implemented under NTE INEN 3864-1 standard and NTP 888:2010, for fire protection equipment NFPA10 standard was taken as a reference. Regular trainings are recommended, as well as regular review of fire protection equipment.