Estudio de Factibilidad para la implementación de señalización vial (vertical) en madera de eucalipto (Eucalyptus Globulus Labil) en la red vial de la parroquia de Columbe, provincia de Chimborazo
2017-07-17Registro en:
Valla Cepeda, Angélica Petrona. (2017). Estudio de Factibilidad para la implementación de señalización vial (vertical) en madera de eucalipto (Eucalyptus Globulus Labil) en la red vial de la parroquia de Columbe, provincia de Chimborazo. (Tesis de pregrado). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Valla Cepeda, Angélica Petrona
The feasibility study for implementation of the vertical road signaling from eucalyptus wood (Eucalyptus globulus labill), on the road network Columbe parish, Chimborazo, Ecuador, it was realized in order to integrate the sustainable mobility with the nature and promote the community tourism in the zone. It was realized mechanical essays which were submitted to results of low impact ASTME-23 and tension under the norm ASTMD 143, in solid materials laboratory, with a humidity of wood of 16%, in the Faculty of Mechanics of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. For the same, eucalyptus wood was used (Eucalyptus globulus labill), with the biologic treatment compound of substratum of Molasses-Vinasse- Linseed, and contained microorganisms of gender: Lactobacillus acidophilus ssp, Trichothecium roseum ssp and Kluyveromyces flagilis ssp. It was applied 10 ml for m3 of wood. The substitution of synthetic media by biologic products 44 vertical signal which means a saving of $ 8,85 USD, for each substituted signal. The study zone requires of 44 vertical signals. The analyzed results determined the use of raw material that will generate reduction of the cost in the fabrication using a biologic treatment for its durability, presenting an alternative for the sustainable habitat, contributing to the environment, concluding that is feasible to realize the vertical road signaling in eucalyptus wood.