Comportamiento productivo de pollitas de la línea lohmann brown en la fase de postura - pico de producción (18-26 semanas) alimentadas con diferentes niveles de proteína de origen animal.
2019-04-08Registro en:
Bermeo Guadalupe, Jairo Joseph, (2019). Comportamiento productivo de pollitas de la línea lohmann brown en la fase de postura - pico de producción (18-26 semanas) alimentadas con diferentes niveles de proteína de origen animal. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Bermeo Guadalupe, Jairo Joseph.
The productive behavior of pullets of the line Lohmann Brown in the phase of posture-peak production (18-26 weeks) fed with different levels of protein of animal origin, the chemical composition of the experimental diets was determined with 2, 4, 6% of Proteika, analyzing the production cost of each treatment; With an experimental methodology, in the poultry research academic unit at the Animal Science Faculty, of the Polytechnic Scholl of Chimborazo, with a completely randomized design in which three trials were used and a controlled trial of four repeated screenings each one, consisting of 25 pullets per each experimental unit resulting in a total of 400 birds over a periodo of 64 days. Significant differences were recorded (P<0,01) in the productive patterns, being the most effective trial the 6% protein inclusión (T3) with a consumption 20,29 ± 0,10 g/day, energy consumption 264,16 ± 1,45 kcal/day, instead, the best cost-benefi procedure was the 4% Proteika inclusión (T2) with 1,082 USD and a profitability of 8%. It is concluded that 4% Proteika. In addition, it is highly recommended to poultry farmers to implement this flour in the feed intakes, since it allows a better growth development of the poultry, while ensuring an adequate production through the whole laying stage.