Plan de comercialización para la Empresa “CADSFLAY S.A”, en la ciudad de Riobamba
2019-10-22Registro en:
Masaquiza Guamán, Cristian Alfredo. (2019). Plan de comercialización para la Empresa “CADSFLAY S.A”, en la ciudad de Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Masaquiza Guamán, Cristian Alfredo
This research project Research plan for the company Cadsflay SA. The city of Riobamba has the implementation of commercial strategies that can increase profitability by serving small and medium enterprises, which is its target audience. The methodology used is based on the application of surveys taking as a population in the PYME of the city of Riobamba, in addition a FODA analysis was carried out that determined the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the market, thus identifying the current situation. Regarding the flaws that the company has, it is determined that, it does not have commercial strategies, it has a recruitment management and it is not trained to human talent. The proposal contains 6 focus strategies focused on the 4P, price, product, place and promotion, specifically the recruitment and training of personnel, an approximate investment of $ 1065 dollars is made to execute the proposal. It is recommended that the recommended modification plan be applied taking into account the tactics of the process of carrying out the strategy, it is also important to take in execution time and the cost of each strategy.