| Tesis
Determinación del potencial inhibitorio de la fracción alcaloidal de Palicourea amethystina sobre xantinoxidasa y radical superóxido mediante autografía.
2019-12-03Registro en:
Carrillo Yánez, Adriana Paulina. (2019). Determinación del potencial inhibitorio de la fracción alcaloidal de Palicourea amethystina sobre xantinoxidasa y radical superóxido mediante autografía. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Carrillo Yánez, Adriana Paulina
The objective of the investigation was to determine the inhibitory activity of xanthine oxidase (XO) and superoxide radical (RSO) by the alkaloid extract of Palicourea amethystina (belonging to the Rubiaceae family) by autography. When carrying out the methanol maceration of the plant material, the crude liquid extract was obtained, which was subjected to liquid-liquid extraction with pH changes to obtain the alkaloid extract, which reported a 0.05% yield of alkaloid extraction. For the different autograph methods, thin layer chromatography (TLC) plates were used as support, in which samples of the alkaloid extract of Palicourea amethystina were seeded at different concentrations (1 µg, 5 µg, 10 µg, 50 µg, and 100 µg) using the "dot blot" technique. To evaluate the antioxidant activity, the 2,2-diphenyl-1- picrilhydrazil (DPPH) method was used using ascorbic acid as standard, and for the superoxide radical scavenging activity two methods were developed: the first comprises riboflavin (B2), nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) and light; the second involves reduced nicotine adenine dinucleotide (NAD H), tetrazolium nitro blue (NBT) and phenazine methosulfate (PMS); taxifoline being the standard for both methods. On the other hand to evaluate the enzyme inhibitory activity was used: Stock enzyme solution XO, buffer (PBS), NBT; as substrate: xanthine, phosphate and dimethylsulfoxide buffer solution (improve 0.025% solubility) and allopurinol were used as standard. The results for antioxidant activity and superoxide radical were positive, however, it does not exhibit an inhibitory activity on xanthine oxidase. The contribution that this research represents for the species Palicourea amethystina is of great relevance, due to the lack of information that currently exists. It is recommended to perform more specific chromatographic studies to identify the type of alkaloids that the species possesses.