Mantenimiento mejorativo y propuesta de plan de inspección para la placa electrónica de control de acceso e iluminación para los autobuses de transporte interprovincial de la Empresa Carrocera Yaulema Jr
2021-07-15Registro en:
Molina Tacuri, José Luis. (2021). Mantenimiento mejorativo y propuesta de plan de inspección para la placa electrónica de control de acceso e iluminación para los autobuses de transporte interprovincial de la Empresa Carrocera Yaulema Jr. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Molina Tacuri, José Luis
The objective of this project is the improvement maintenance and inspection plan proposal for the
electronic access and lighting control board for interprovincial transportation buses of
CARROCERÍAS YAULEMA Jr. Company. The methodology used has a sequential linear
approach. It begins with the technical evaluation of the current control system, followed by the
approach of improvement alternatives such as control system design and prototyping, ending with
the analysis and evaluation of results obtained from the redesign of the electronic system. The
functional scheme of the prototype has a Touch screen that contains the different drive controls,
the HMI screen performs through a mini-computer that send out control orders to a
microcontroller that receives the signal and sends it to the power circuit composed of power relays
and a power circuit composed of automotive relays, also the system is monitored from a remote
application. The mini-computer programming was developed by Python programming with
graphical interface libraries that allow the user a friendly interaction with the system. Based on
the desired characteristics of the system and electronic elements easily accessible at the country
level, solutions were established to improve the system by defining the hardware and software
that accomplish the required characteristics. At the same time the wiring leading to the control
board was reduced as the touch screen eliminates all access and illumination buttons. It is
important to indicate that the mentioned systems were divided into 24V DC and 12V DC zones.
The performed operation tests show that the plate works with 100% effectiveness and the
measurements of electrical parameters show that the tracks of the central electronic plate were
properly sized, thus fulfilling the objective of the proposed improvement maintenance, taking into
account the cost-benefit relation. It is advisable to implement sensors or cameras linked to the
peripherals of the minicomputer in the future to expand the operation of the system and provide
more features to the user.