Manual de operaciones y mantenimiento de la máquina de electroerosión, la prensa excéntrica y la máquina fresadora router CNC 5 ejes HY-3040 china mini del taller de CAD-CAM de la Facultad de Mecánica.
2018-02-07Registro en:
Caluña Caluña, Aldo Israel. (2018). Manual de operaciones y mantenimiento de la máquina de electroerosión, la prensa excéntrica y la máquina fresadora router CNC 5 ejes HY-3040 china mini del taller de CAD-CAM de la Facultad de Mecánica. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Caluña Caluña, Aldo Israel
The present work consists in the elaboration of a manual of basic operations and maintenance for the EDM machine, the eccentric press and the milling Machine CNC Router 5 axes HY-3040 China Mini of the workshop of CAD-CAM of the faculty of mechanics of the ESPOCH. The main objective of the project is the elaboration of guides for the execution of machining processes in parts, in the case of the CNC router Milling Machine 5 axes HY-3040 China Mini the design of the pieces is done in the Siemens NX software and programming in the software Match 3, the electrical discharge machine and the eccentric press are manual control and it is the operator who establishes the operating parameters. In the drafting of the most relevant concepts in the theoretical context the method of deductive reasoning is used, and for the design and manufacture of mechanical elements, which performs the interface of the CAD-CAM systems. The benefits provided by the aforementioned machines are multiple manufacturing processes, optimize time and resources due to the precision which they work, and helping to learn the students who manipulate these machines; The Handbook of practices is carried out in a didactic and easy to understand manner following a systematic structure based on the technical criteria for manipulation of manual and CNC machines. By implementing the practice Handbook it helps to improve the learning interface between students and teachers, achieving manufacturing operations and determining the parameters of machine manipulation, previously reviewing the segments of Codes, seguring of the parts to be machined and using the respective personal protective equipment.