Implementación del Sistema de Dispensación de Medicamentos por Dosis Unitaria en el Hospital Geriátrico Dr. Bolívar Arguello de Riobamba
2022-04-19Registro en:
Guananga Pujos, Marianela Carolina. (2022). Implementación del Sistema de Dispensación de Medicamentos por Dosis Unitaria en el Hospital Geriátrico Dr. Bolívar Arguello de Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Guananga Pujos, Marianela Carolina
The aim of this work was to implement the unit-dose drug distribution system (UDDS) in the Hospital Geriátrico Dr. Bolívar Arguello, Riobamba city, carried out by means of a non-experimental, applied and cross-sectional research, where a descriptive, deductive and explanatory analysis was used, dividing it into four stages, starting by evaluating the initial situation of the service and followed by the design and implementation of a standardized operating procedure (SOP) to evaluate the results obtained. The data was tabulated and described, contrasting all the information with literature and existing national regulations. First of all, it was observed that there was no UDDS at the hospital level, so that, there was no participation of the pharmacist in the medical visits, validation of prescriptions, elaboration of pharmacotherapeutic profiles and dispensing of medicines, in addition, the lack of control in returning and restocking of medications in crash carts and first-aid emergency kits. A SOP was designed, which was socialized with the health personnel, giving an implementation of the UDDS during November 2020 - February 2021, favorable data was obtained which were evidenced in the intervention of 8.4% and 7.1% of medical prescriptions during January and February, respectively, in addition to the identification of dispensing and dispatching errors, where, about 60% of prescriptions showed prevalence of quantity errors. It was concluded that there was an optimization of resources thanks to the return of medicines, avoiding their loss, deterioration or expiration, it was also concluded that there was a better management of the patient's pharmacotherapy, demonstrated in the pharmacotherapeutic follow-up and pharmaceutical interventions. It is recommended to follow up and continue the implementation of the UDDS and permanent training of health personnel.