Inventario forestal en el bosque de vegetación protectora “Cordillera de los Llanganates” perteneciente a los cantones Patate y Pillaro.
2019Registro en:
Gutiérrez Ibáñez, E. I. (2019). Inventario forestal en el bosque de vegetación protectora “Cordillera de los Llanganates” perteneciente a los cantones Patate y Pillaro. (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero Forestal). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Gutiérrez Ibáñez, Edgar Iván
The present investigation proposed: to carry out a forest inventory in the protective vegetation forest “Llanganates Mountain Range” belonging to the Patate and Pillaro cantons. In order to obtain information on the tree vegetation that will serve as a basis to create a protective forest and thus mitigate the expansion of the agricultural frontier, for this, the forest structure was characterized, and the Forest Value Index was calculated. By random sampling, altitudinal ranges were considered from the 3200 at 3400 m.o.s.l. with a difference of 100 m.o.s.l.9 sampling units of 20x20 m were installed, each sampling unit contains 4 sampling subunits of 10x10 m in which the data were recorded, collection of botanical samples for their identification, and calculation of floristic diversity, plus the horizontal and vertical characterization of the forest. According to the results were registered, 253 individuals corresponding to 10 families, 11 genera and 16 species. The species with the highest value of importance in altitude 1 of 3200 m.o.s.l. it was Weinmannia sp.; at altitude 2 of 3300 m.o.s.l., Miconia janhii, for altitude of 3400 m.o.s.l. the species Gynoxis hallii predominated. The most representative family in the altitudinal gradient 1 corresponds to the family Asteraceae, in altitude 2 the family Melastomataceae stood out, and for the third altitude the family Melastomataceae predominates. According to the Shannon Index in all the sampling units, it reflects a medium diversity, and with the Simpson Index, it showed a medium-high diversity based on the values obtained for the 3 altitudinal gradients considered in th study. Finally, the calculation of the Forest Value Index by species reported to Miconia jahnii belonging to the family Melastomataceae as the predominant one.