Evaluación de ocupación del espectro radioeléctrico y análisis de factibilidad de uso de radio cognitiva en la banda UHF (450 – 512 MHZ) Para su optimización en la ciudad de Riobamba.
2019-01Registro en:
Ponce Pinos, Jacqueline Elizabeth. (2019). Evaluación de ocupación del espectro radioeléctrico y análisis de factibilidad de uso de radio cognitiva en la banda UHF (450 – 512 MHZ) Para su optimización en la ciudad de Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Ponce Pinos, Jacqueline Elizabeth
The percentage of occupation of the radioelectric space in the UHF band (450-512 MHz) in the city of Riobamba was evaluated. The study allowed to identify percentages of the occupation of licensed frequencies and blank spaces to analyze the feasibility of using Cognitive Radio and a frequency reuse plan for spectrum optimization. The spectrum measurements were made in two points of the city of Riobamba; one in the Sierra Centro Regional Riobamba unit of the Telecommunications Regulation and Control Agency (ARCOTEL) and another in the IESS hospital with the SACER system of the ARCOTEL. At a global level it is known that there is an increase in communications and that the allocation of the radioelectric space is static, which makes it impossible to assign frequencies for new technological uses, with this problem the 450 - 512 MHz band was analyzed. 12.5 kHz, for which in the indicated range there are 4960 carriers of frequency; of which a sample of 621 was taken and analyzed for 12 days. As a result, it was obtained that 93.24% of the measured frequency bands are not being occupied; and that only 6.77% of the 621 measured bands present some utilization percentage. These data allow us to conclude that the percentage of use of primary users is 11.25%; thus sustaining the need for cognitive radio implementation for spectrum optimization. From this research we can derive various studies, such as new scenarios of cognitive radio use and their application according to the cognitive network infrastructure.