Evaluación del impacto socio-económico del microcrédito en los socios de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Jardín Azuayo oficina en Tambo, cantón El Tambo, periodo 2015 – 2016
2018-07-26Registro en:
Yupa Loja, María Cristina. (2018). Evaluación del impacto socio-económico del microcrédito en los socios de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Jardín Azuayo oficina en Tambo, cantón El Tambo, periodo 2015 – 2016. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Yupa Loja, María Cristina
The current research of the evaluation of the socio-economic impact of microcredit in "Jardín Azuayo" credit union members, in Tambo office, El Tambo canton, during 2015 – 2016, is aimed to obtain elements that contribute to the improvement and performance for decision making. Sufficient and relevant information to its analysis as well as the issuance of a report were obtained by means of a methodology. The results obtained were: the credit portfolio decreases from 12.24% to 6.27% in 2015 as well as the available cash in Banks, investments held until maturity in entities of the sector as a result of not being able to place new loans for the lack of capital recovery, which means that 84% of the financial structure belongs to customer loans and barely has to cover its obligations in the short-term, the lack of financial evaluation has not allowed to implement corrective measures and design guidelines conducive to efficient operations and determine the causes that have created this uncertain scenario and to identify clearly the aspects that are impeding the proper performance of the cooperative. It is recommended to evaluate the financial statements with both horizontal and vertical methods and indicators to assess the socio-economic impact of microcredit, as well as to take all necessary steps to increase the collection of resources of members' deposits through new policies and finally to carry out administrative and financial strategies that allow to develop parameters to optimize operational activities.