Alternativas gastronómicas de pastelería y repostería a base de técnicas de la cocina molecular en la ciudad de Riobamba
2015Registro en:
Gaibor Erazo, César Leonardo. (2015). Alternativas gastronómicas de pastelería y repostería a base de técnicas de la cocina molecular en la ciudad de Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Gaibor Erazo, César Leonardo
The present investigation is of experimental type, it proposes: to design alternative gastronomic of pastry shop and confectionery with the help of technical of the molecular kitchen in the city of Riobamba; privileging the use of extracted chemical products of the same allowances, like an option to motivate their consumption. He/she was carried out with 24 students of seventh semester of the School of Gastronomy of the ESPOCH, during the period October of the 2013 - February of the 2014. Through the applied test to students on alternative gastronomic of pastry shop and confectionery, it was obtained that inside the products of more acceptability they are: foam of chocolate (dragon), apple cube, and the mortiño sherbet, each one of them with 63% of acceptance. It was also applied processes and technical culinary, jointly with chemists that are used in molecular kitchen for the transformations of the allowances. All the proposed preparations, they presented high levels of acceptance, for what a gastronomic recetario was elaborated valuing the use of our raw material, through new preparation forms and presentation. To motivate the use of chemical without risk some in the moment of the elaboration of the endproduct and to obtain a product of quality. It is recommended to use the appropriate dosage for their elaboration process.