Creación de la Empresa Municipal Terminal Terrestre Interprovincial Riobamba, propuesta administrativa financiera
2014Registro en:
Guacho Rivera, María Fernanda; Cevallos Lascano, Héctor Daniel. (2014). Creación de la empresa municipal terminal terrestre interprovincial Riobamba, propuesta administrativa financiera. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Guacho Rivera, María Fernanda
Cevallos Lascano, Héctor Daniel
The creation of the Municipal Terminal Interprovincial Terrestre Riobamba as an enterprise, financial administrative proposal, has been developed by the serch for solutions to the mobility requirements, land management and improving public services provided by the municipality of GAD Riobamba to implant a management model publishes to the decentralization, modernization, and financing that enable the linked political, administrative, human and economic development between resource allocation and staff performance. By applying the FODA analysis of strategic planning in order to diagnose internal and external the current Unidad Terminal Interprovincial Terrestre GAD Riobamba, so that based on this reality, a feasible proposal will be made for the EMTTIR creation. As a result, the feasibility of this project in its administrative part has been demonstrated, by creating a regulation, function and operation manuals and financial part, by the feasibility study the investment will be completely covered by the budget Municipal and that by the values of TIR and VAN shows that the initial investment can be recovered within the magnitude of the project within a reasonable time. Under the conclusion that the creation of the EMITTIR will allow the development of the city, province and will become a sustainable and self-sustaining enterprise to provide quality services with security and confidence for users, because its control levels will make a difference between the EMITTIR and other domestic terminals. It is recommended that GAD Municipio of Riobamba look for investing public funds in the creation of municipal enterprises and become an example of quality and innovation in security for users and build its new edification located in a different area, because it is evident that, nowadays, it generates traffic chaos, pollution and insecurity in an area considered residential.