Utilización de la harina de garbanzo (cecerarietinum) en la repostería aplicando técnicas vanguardistas. 2015
2016-07-07Registro en:
Chango Chango, Pablo Raúl. (2016). Utilización de la harina de garbanzo (cecerarietinum) en la repostería aplicando técnicas vanguardistas. 2015. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Chango Chango, Pablo Raúl
This research aims to: Develop a new product by applying advanced techniques and using chickpea flour as the main ingredient; It was development at Riobamba canton, Chimborazo province; for the preparation of the proposal a study of both the raw material tools and machinery that we use was made, also take into account basis points in gastronomy such as personal hygiene, storage of raw materials, methods and culinary techniques we will use for making desserts. Insurance dessert made will be great contribution for baking, for the proper handling of ingredients we use as the standards required by the INEN and consumer to taste very quiet. The chickpea is a legume that provides plenty of protein and minerals essential for our body and must consume as dessert with good management of raw materials and applying appropriate will get a dessert that will please the consumer techniques. The dessert had higher acceptability was the MG075 formulation in terms chickpea mousse with a percentage of 60% while the GG050 gelatin formulation had a 65% acceptability to give a dessert that will please the consumer.