Artículos de revistas
Suavizado de curvas mediante B-spline para el análisis funcional de la radiación solar global.
Escudero, Amalia
Haro, Silvia
In this work analyzed the temporal variations of the global solar radiation in an equatorial Alto Andina loca- lity as elements of a Hilbert space. Toe database corresponds to the means recorded every 1 O minutes, thus forming a matrix of order 334 x 144 with 334 functional data. Minimum-quadratic regression with B-spline base and sections of three-degree polynomials were used, by which an optima! smoothing was identified with 9 basic functions defined by 7 equally spaced nodes for the 11 months of the 8 meteorological stations: Alao, Cumandá, Espoch, Multitud, Quimiag, San Juan, Tunshi and Urbina. Toe detection of atypical func- tions and confidence bands was carried out with 1000 Bootstrap samples, then the smoothed curves of the means were obtained. Toe study was carried out with the fda and fda.usc libraries of the free software R. Toe graphs of the functional curves facilitate the understanding of the behavior of global solar radiation over time.